
Geneferm red yeast rice powder confirmed safe.
The red yeast rice powder product has passed the test and does not contain Puberulic acid!
| 2024-07

The red yeast powder sold by GeneFerm Biotechnology is manufactured by our factory in Taiwan. The production process and quality is strictly controlled. It has been tested by a third-party impartial unit and does not contain puberulic acid, citrinin, ochratoxin A, aflatoxin and other harmful substances. The production process follows international certification standards such as ISO22000 and HACCP. Please feel free to eat. We hereby declare.

GeneFerm red yeast rice raw material origin certification statement
GeneFerm red yeast rice raw material origin certification statement
| 2024-03

The red yeast powder sold by GeneFerm Biotechnology is manufactured by our factory in Taiwan. The production process and quality is strictly controlled. The production process follows international certification standards such as ISO22000 and HACCP. Please feel free to eat. We hereby declare.

Magic Reds – Honored with the Symbol of National Quality.
Magic Reds – Honored with the Symbol of National Quality
| 2024-01

Symbol of National Quality is a consumption label that represents the meaning of “Safety and Quality”. It provides a strict selection mechanism at all levels from raw materials, manufacturing processes, finished product inspection to consumer protection, and is known as Taiwan's biotech industry "Oscar" - the most prestigious award. GeneFerm’s product, “Magic Reds”, has not only been certified by Monde Selection, but also successfully obtained the Symbol of National Quality this year.
This product combines 35000 FU/g Nattokinase and red yeast rice, and its efficacy towards metabolism and circulation has been proven by clinical trial. We hope consumers can continue to experience the benefits of "Magic Reds" through long-term consumption of this superior product.

GeneFerm Biotechnology has been proved to be qualified for accreditation badge for a healthy workplace.
GeneFerm Biotechnology has been proved to be qualified for accreditation badge for a healthy workplace.
| 2024-01

GeneFerm is committed to workplace health and wellness. In addition to providing free health examinations and occupational medical care to all employees every year, we also actively promote a smoke-free policy throughout the entire factory. After evaluated by the Health Promotion Administration, it is ensured that we meet the related standards and are qualified for accreditation badge for a healthy workplace.
We are aware that the health of our employees is GeneFerm's most important asset, and therefore the company has formulated a comprehensive health and safety plan to provide a safe and friendly working environment. We continue to work on health promotion, and are committed to create health concept among colleagues, promoting the formation of health culture, implementing healthcare in employees' life and work, improving job satisfaction, generating more benefits toward families and communities, and thus achieve a win-win situation.